LX200 GPS Polar Align ?

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Jockinireland Online Ireland
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LX200 GPS Polar Align ?


Post by Jockinireland »

I have just got a wedge for my LX200 GPS and have read up the manual on how to polar align. I think I get most of it but would appreciate if anyone could help clarify a couple of things I'm uncertain of;

Once it s in "Polar Home" is it going to turn the scope around so I can use the finder?
Once I've centred Polaris is it going to slow to another star to complete goto alignment or is that centering on Polaris going to be good enough.
Should I do another 2 star align at this stage or is that one star polar going to give accurate enough goto's
If I want to then do precise polar align, probably with PHD2 or Sharpcap, at which point in the process should
I do that

Also, I've been reading about polar alignment so understand that you need to have Polaris off centre in a polar scope. So how is centering on Polaris going to work? Is it just that its "close enough" for visual and subsequent precise align (drift or other) is needed for astro photography.

Thanks in advance. I just want to have it all clear in my head so that if I ever get another clear sky I can hopefully get the wedge set up with minimal trauma.

Scope: Skywatcher Evostar 80ED (SW 0.85 FR/FF) on a SW NEQ6Pro
Guiding; SW Evoguide 50ED, ASI 120mm mini
Meade 8" LX200 GPS on wedge (Guided with a cheapo 50mm guidescope and a ZWO ASI 120mm mini)
Sharpstar 61EDPH II (with dedicated 0.8 reducer) with wiliam Optics 32mm uniguide
Camera: ASI2600MC pro. QHY 163M with ZWO 7nm NB filters, Canon EOS700D astro mod
Secondary mount: Skywatcher StarAdventurer

My Astrobin https://www.astrobin.com/users/mackiedlm/
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