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Come join the friendliest, most engaging and inclusive astronomy forum geared for beginners and advanced telescope users, astrophotography devotees, plus check out our "Astro" goods vendors.
It's been a tough winter in southern Ontario for clear skies, but I finally had a couple of nights a week ago to grab a few targets. I'd like twice the number of hours on this object, but that seems unlikely this year.
Sharpstar SCA260
AP Mach 2
G- 40x180 sec
B- 40x180 sec
Ha- 24x600sec
Total integration time: 10 hours.
EAA Observing from the Isle of Wight, UK Telescope: Celestron CPC800, NexStar 4se - Camera: Player One Ares-C PRO, Altair Astro 294c PRO, ZWO ASI 533MM Software: SharpCap, Stellarium and AstroPlanner. YouTube 'EAA with an 8-inch SCT'
Cool you got the chance, been bad here too in Wisconsin,
Fantastic image!
Aaron - Astronomus Solaris Solar Kitchen Observatory USA, Est. 2019 - Observation, Imaging And Online Solar Outreach Utilizing Commercial, Prototypical, "Atypical" And "Experimental" Solar Filtrations, Equipment, Solutions & Techniques. Specializing In Wavelength Specific Colour Solar Imaging Employing My Own Custom Built Multiple Element Filtering Systems Designed Specifically For In Colour Solar Imaging & Processing. Telescopium - Celestron SkyProdigy 130mm Modified Solar Newtonian / Astro-tech AT80ed / AT70ed / AT50 / Filtra - BP-WL / SH-393nm / SH-430nm / SH-486nm / SH-518nm / BP-540nm / SH-588nm / DS-656nm / SH-720NirNb / Ad Astra Contendere & Optima Fortuna et Caeli Omnibus!
Scopes: Explore Scientific ED80CF, Skywatcher 200 Quattro Imaging Newt, SeeStar S50 for EAA.
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-g mount & Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
ZWO mini guider.
Image cameras: ZWO ASI1600 MM Cool, ZWO ASI533mc-Pro, ZWO ASI174mm-C (for use with my Quark chromosphere), ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: LRGB, Ha 7nm, O-III 7nm, S-II 7nm
Eyepieces: a few.
Primary software: Cartes du Ciel, N.I.N.A, StarTools V1.4.
Scope: Skywatcher Evostar 80ED (SW 0.85 FR/FF) on a SW NEQ6Pro
Guiding; SW Evoguide 50ED, ASI 120mm mini
Meade 8" LX200 GPS on wedge (Guided with a cheapo 50mm guidescope and a ZWO ASI 120mm mini)
Sharpstar 61EDPH II (with dedicated 0.8 reducer) with wiliam Optics 32mm uniguide
Camera: ASI2600MC pro. QHY 163M with ZWO 7nm NB filters, Canon EOS700D astro mod
Secondary mount: Skywatcher StarAdventurer
Nice vivid M82 - great detail. Congrats on the APOD.
Jim Thommes Jim's Astrophotography
David Levy Maksutov Newtonian, Celestron Edge 9.25, FSQ-106N Refractor (on loan), WO ZenithStar 66 APO Refractor, WO Megrez II APO, Sigma 150 mm EOS Lens
Losmandy G11/Gemini, iOptron GEM45, Celestron Advanced VX, iOptron CEM70
ST8300M Camera, Atik 383L, Canon 350D (IR cut modified), ASI1600M, ASI294M, ASI260M
Observatory - Desert Astronomy Association (Shelter Valley, CA)