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Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:27 pm
by Gordon
Please take a moment to read through the following instructions so your Astronomical event posting will display correctly.

You can view the calendar by clicking on the “Calendar” button at the top of the page. Each of the entries on the calendar pages are links, so just click on them.

To post an upcoming Astronomical event create your post. If there is a website that has the more information you can copy and paste the info along with adding a link to the webpage.

BEFORE you click submit!!!

Scroll down the page a bit and you will see a tab that says "calendar".
Calendar entry.jpg
Select it and you will see the area to enter the information for your event.

NOTE: in the area that says TYPE, be sure to click the drop down arrow and select "Astronomical Event" This is what ties the link between your post and the calendar event.

If you have ANY problems be sure to contact a team member so they can help you!

Edit: I have removed the option to display the time in the calendar so be sure to include it in your posting.