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Problems connecting ETX-90 to Stellarium

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:15 pm
by Toddpe
I recently bought a USB-to-RJ11( ... 73-_ePNSNV) cable in order to connect my Meade AutoStar to Stellarium and control the telescope but I have run into some problems.

The cable I ordered was a RJ11-to-Serial but an RJ11-to-USB came in the mail so to find the correct drivers I had to open the usb and found an FT232R(, so I downloaded the drivers( for that chipset.

My next problem was when I tried to control the telescope using Stellarium and these are my settings:
Telescope Controlled By: Stellarium, directly through a serial port
Connection delay:1.50s
Coordinate System: J2000
Serial Port: /dev/cu.usbserial-AD0JLHUX -- [If I select /dev/tty.usbserial-AD0JLHUX I get a permanent loading cursor]
Device model: Meade ETX70 (#494 Autostar, #506 CCS) -- [I actually use a #497 Autostar but I hope that isn't a problem]

Is there something I am doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.