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Interstellarum Deep Sky Guide - a personal observation

I am sure many will recall that the release of the English version of the Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas (IDSA) in December of 2014, through the collaborative efforts of Oculum-Verlag and Cambridge University...


Glowing in the Shadow of Grandeur

The inconvenient truth is that the vast majority of DSOs are not found near brighter stars. Of course such placement would make finding them much easier. However, and I am sure a few would disagree, I feel that would take away the challenge and fun of the hunt. I like challenges, as they make you...


Why Can't I See That Galaxy?

So, you’ve taken your time to learn the bright stars, and you can point out many constellations, and know where the planets are in the sky. You’ve learned how to collimate to your satisfaction, if your scope requires it. You’ve also learned how to star hop pretty well, and locating...


Deep Sky Objects and Their Observation

To begin this article I will pose a couple of questions. Have you ever observed deep sky objects (DSOs) and perhaps been at a loss for words as to how you can adequately describe its appearance in your notes? Similarly, have you seen a feature that perhaps you didn’t fully comprehend its true...